If your recent air sample is not in compliance due to Carbon Monoxide, this AirCheck Tech Note™may help you identify the source of your Carbon Monoxide contamination.

Sources of Carbon Monoxide contamination from the intake air are typically from motor exhaust. If you did not take an ambient sample, ask about adding an ambient test for future samples. Other sources from within the compressor can be caused from combustion product of hydrocarbon fuels and lubricants caused by overheated oils, and/or oxidation of charcoal filters due to overheating.

Symptoms of Carbon Monoxide

Besides tightness across the chest, initial symptoms of CO poisoning may include headache, fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness, or nausea. Sudden chest pain may occur in people with angina. During prolonged or high exposures, symptoms may worsen and include vomiting, confusion, and collapse in addition to loss of consciousness and muscle weakness. Symptoms vary widely from person to person. CO poisoning may occur sooner in those most susceptible: young children, elderly people, people with lung or heart disease, people at high altitudes, or those who already have elevated CO blood levels, such as smokers. Also, CO poisoning poses a special risk to fetuses. CO poisoning can be reversed if caught in time. But even if you recover, acute poisoning may result in permanent damage to the parts of your body that require a lot of oxygen such as the heart and brain. Significant reproductive risk is also linked to CO.

If you have further questions, or need assistance in resolving this problem, please Contact Us or give us a call at 1-800-247-1024. You are entitled to a free resample. Please use the supplies you have on hand to take a retest. Once we have received your sample (you have 30 days) we will restock your kit.

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